SC-Turnier Hellraiser vs. Haudegen

Berichte über Eure Pixelschlachten

Moderatoren: PanzerLiga-Team, SC-Spezies

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

germans form the line in the east

it will be very hard for me to pull this off .... jets came but very late and in the meanwhile allies grew very powerful ... i am on par with jets and LR but allies have the AT edge - USA 2 and USSR 3

allies got extremely lucky with techs this game - they got them exactly whn they needed them ... sigh :)

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

germans continue to refit their troops and wait for some luck with jets ... the only chance for survival now.

Russia is coming with a vengeance - amassing 15+ lvl 3 armies, corps, some 5 lvl 3 AFs and a few T34 supported by 6 HQs ... this huge force has never been seen since the times of Genghis Khan :)

Beiträge: 591
Registriert: Do 19. Aug 2004, 14:28

Beitrag von Haudegen »

- gegenschlag der achse an der ostfront killt 3 armeen und eine AF
- potugal befreit
- und man traut es sich garnichht mehr zu sagen... brit. AF bekommen jet4!!!!
- amerk. HQ hat mittlerweile 3-4 sterne... yeah
Zuletzt geändert von Haudegen am Do 14. Apr 2005, 21:12, insgesamt 4-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

russian make contact with the german line of defence and engage it near warsaw - one german army down to 4 and another one to 8

In retaliation, axis SS veterans kill 3 red armies and 1 red AF

Russians have at least LR 2 !!!!!!!!!

this is unthinkable!!! allies scientists proved to be far better than their germans counterparts ... on a side note, germans research tanks and AT since the stone age and got in 3 years only AT 1 :P

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

once the reds learned the volksturm is still able to fight, they pull back a little :)

UK got jets LvL 4 ... this is outrageous ... God hates me :)

Beiträge: 591
Registriert: Do 19. Aug 2004, 14:28

Beitrag von Haudegen »

- die Finnen sind immer noch nicht dabei?? seltsam
- niederlande befreit
- frankreich hat auch wieder ein hq *stolz* und vier corps

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

western allies prepare the invasion of the Fatherland ...
on a side note, Finland never joined ... why doesn't it surprise me ? :)

Beiträge: 591
Registriert: Do 19. Aug 2004, 14:28

Beitrag von Haudegen »

- alliierte landung in schweden scheitert kläglich...
- starke luftüberlegenheit erziwngt den rückzug in russland: 2 AF werden abgeschossen; 1 Armee stirbt
Zuletzt geändert von Haudegen am Do 14. Apr 2005, 22:23, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

Russians lose 2 AFs and 1 army this turn ... at least some consolation :)

red corps probing swedish shores but panzer awaits them in stockholm :)

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

german air kill another red army and initiate some kind of offensive LOL

meanwhile the western allies pound the troops on the Rhine ... 5 UK lvl 4 AFs, 3 lvl 3 USAF and those nice carriers which forced a LW to intercept and killed it last turn :) plus a truckload of armies, corps ... all the assortment :)

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

germans continue their last resort offensive in southern russia , killing an army in the process ... the western allies capture Essen and continue to push into the Fatherland...

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

germans get jets 4 !!! Incredible LOL

russian AFs gets shot down after being intercepted by some ME 262 squadrons in Ukraine :P

german spearhead army killed near kiew

Beiträge: 591
Registriert: Do 19. Aug 2004, 14:28

Beitrag von Haudegen »

- achse hat nun auch jet4 und startet einen gorßangriff in russland
- russische kräfte ziehen sich zur ausgangsposition zurück
- im westen wurde aber die rheinlinie überwunden
Zuletzt geändert von Haudegen am Do 14. Apr 2005, 23:20, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

some axis airfleets based near rome, attack the us hq near marseilles, all jets intercept ...

Beiträge: 591
Registriert: Do 19. Aug 2004, 14:28

Beitrag von Haudegen »

- dänemark befreit
- hamburg befreit
- russen mal wieder auf dem vormarsch

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

Axis surrender ... getting jets 2 in 1943 is a joke

anyway, good game from Haudegen - he played very well the D-Day and after - Axis couln't do anything against overwhelming air superiority on both fronts ...
His Star Wars armies couldn't be stopped ... ever ... techs came to offset his early mistakes - like losing the battle in Egypt and attacking with quite few ground forces during the D-Day ... his western allied X Wing fighters completely ruled the french skies and in east, axis could fight only due to their superior aircraft numbers, against superior red technology - obviously this drained axis mpps like there was no tommorrow ...
German Jets came way too late, when there were no mpps to keep the aircraft alive.

Nice game indeed but a little too much one-sided :)
After my flawless start of the campaign, Haudegen really needed this kind of tech luck - otherwise Axis would have been way too tough.

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

So, Hellraiser steps out with his head up.
We decided to play a fun game with me as allies at 200 bid.

Cya folks, it's been nice to play here!!!

Mr. Duden
Beiträge: 2152
Registriert: Do 19. Aug 2004, 13:16

Beitrag von Sombra »

:anbet: Very nice AAR

KT und wieder geht einer der Gesetzten unter.

Glückwunsch Haudegen!
Rettet eure Frauen und Schafe der Nordmann kommt.

Call me Admin
Beiträge: 2681
Registriert: Sa 5. Jan 2002, 13:16

Beitrag von Königstiger »

Sombra hat geschrieben::anbet: Very nice AAR

KT und wieder geht einer der Gesetzten unter.

Glückwunsch Haudegen!
Glückwünsch Haudegen, freut mich das all deine Pläne aufgegangen sind.

Sombra nur mehr wir 2 :angst: , die letzten der :alt: Generation. Wir müssen jetzt zusammenhalten :feier: sonst gehen wir auch noch unter.

Breaking news Aliens verbünden sich mit Königstigern. :deal:


I´m sorry for you dude....but i hope you enjoyed the tournament anyway and found some new opponents here in the PL as ISCL and SC is almost dead outside the PL. You can also join our league if you intend to do more then fungames. In this game you had the same feeling like me in our current game.....russia is on the march and only volksturm units left. It´s a great feeling isnt it. :D I´m on the countryside this weekend and will be back to business (SC!!) on Wednesday.

Mr. Duden
Beiträge: 2152
Registriert: Do 19. Aug 2004, 13:16

Beitrag von Sombra »

Yeah Königstiger lets rule the world. nobody can stand against us.
(Terif meditiert hoffentlich weiter auf seinen Berg)

:king: :king:

Unsere Feinde emögen erzittern :anbet: :anbet: , das elende Gewürm.

Rettet eure Frauen und Schafe der Nordmann kommt.

Beiträge: 195
Registriert: Do 27. Jan 2005, 17:07

Beitrag von zero_g »

Kaum wird es eng verbünden sich die Veteranen um den Rookies standzuhalten. Weg mit den Krücken und den Schnabeltassen raunt es durch die Altersheime dieser Welt. :reiter:

Glückwunsch Haudegen zu deinem Sieg !!!

Jetzt fehlen noch die Ergebnisse von Gneisenau und Amadeus dann ist die erste Runde abgeschlossen. Hoffentlich bringt die 2. Runde auch wieder so viele Überraschungen wie die erste, hehe.

Call me Admin
Beiträge: 2681
Registriert: Sa 5. Jan 2002, 13:16

Beitrag von Königstiger »

Panzermeier gegen Madmax fehlt auch noch....auch ein pbem spiel...nur hab ich da 0-Durchblick wie weit die sind und wie es aussieht....aber vielleicht bekommen wir eh bald wieder einen Statusbericht.
Ich hoffe das sich diese beiden Spiele auf spielerische Weise entscheiden.

Mr. Duden
Beiträge: 2152
Registriert: Do 19. Aug 2004, 13:16

Beitrag von Sombra »

zero_g hat geschrieben:Kaum wird es eng verbünden sich die Veteranen um den Rookies standzuhalten. Weg mit den Krücken und den Schnabeltassen raunt es durch die Altersheime dieser Welt. :reiter:

Glückwunsch Haudegen zu deinem Sieg !!!

Jetzt fehlen noch die Ergebnisse von Gneisenau und Amadeus dann ist die erste Runde abgeschlossen. Hoffentlich bringt die 2. Runde auch wieder so viele Überraschungen wie die erste, hehe.

Hmm Aufstand der Renterrookies oder wies soll ich euch verstehen?

Der weise greise Königstiger sitzt fest auf seine Thron. Unangefochten ist seine Weisheit und Weitsicht. Mögen alle den Köngstiger preisen und verehren. :anbet: Nur die Würdigsten dürfen gegen ihn antreten und erschüttert von seiner Macht , Geschicklichkeit anbetungsvoll in ihre Erdlöcher zurückzukehren.

In seinen Auftrag reist ein kleines Alien durch die Welt, um die Würdigsten unter den Unwürdigen herauszufinden.
Leider gibt es nur Unwürdige und noch unwürdigere als Unwürdige.
Rettet eure Frauen und Schafe der Nordmann kommt.

Beiträge: 591
Registriert: Do 19. Aug 2004, 14:28

Beitrag von Haudegen »

Was haltet Ihr davon, wenn wir für die ganzen alten Veteranen eine Trostrunde veranstalten, damit sie nicht mehr soooo traurig sein müssen. Man könnte es ja Rentner-Turnier nennen...

Call me Admin
Beiträge: 2681
Registriert: Sa 5. Jan 2002, 13:16

Beitrag von Königstiger »

Ich werd dich dann daran erinnern wenn wir uns im Laufe des Turniers noch sehen. :3rc:

Beiträge: 591
Registriert: Do 19. Aug 2004, 14:28

Beitrag von Haudegen »


schön wäre es ja, dir noch im turnier zu begegnen. allerdings steht mir da erst noch noch Pfeiffe(r) im Weg... oder wird es mein nordischer Landsmann...

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »


pretty much yeah :)
at least in our game your axis had the tech edge for a lot of turns in russia ... you pushed me back as far as the gates of Moscow

Vs Haudegen, i couldn't sustain my offensive in russia past the riga-minsk-mine line - i took it and that was it ... russian superior air tech although having fewer aircraft numbers inflicted huge damage to my lvl 1 jets - that meant losing valuable xp and cash - after that, no way i could compete with the western aircrafts having 3-4 stars and those lousy 4 stars carriers
on the ground russians researched AT with the speed of light and had humongous number of armies and HQs - any breakthru would have had high chances to be repelled by russian heavy pieces

Russia got Jets 3 or 4 , LR 2 , tanks 2 and AT 4 by the end of the game
UK got jets 4, LR 3 +
USA got jets 3 and AT2
UK and USA got jets 3 long before axis even researched jets 2 :)

I played the 'wait - for - the - techs - to - kick - in - before - all - was - lost' and it didn't work :)

My mistake was to land only 3 corps in england - i should have opp-ed from russia some heavy pieces instead, but i was not sure UK is empty.

All in all it was a good game but , like I said above, too much one sided regarding the tech advances. Nevertheless, after D-Day, Haudegen played very well his game.

He landed quite few US troops though and I had high hopes that if i would have gotten at least on par with jet tech, I could have pushed him back into the sea. His few ground troops could not defend in France once his jets would have been hit hard. But jets never came in time so, until i caught up, his air was almost impervious to damage due to the huge xp they collected hitting corps and whatnot. At that moment, I realized that only getting jets 5 would save me from sure death. He got lvl 4 before me and by the time i got lvl 4, I did not have the cash to keep my 11 airfleets operational.
On a second though, maybe I should have pushed a little harder in russia but I did not have the troops to maintain a momentum there.

I told you folks that something wrong happened with Russia joining in September which deprived me of some 2k mpps. The DOWs on minors had an average larger than 5% in russian readiness increase. The result was a weaker barbarossa than usual.

Game was fun and I really enjoyed playing in this tourney.

nordic man
Gutenberg jr.
Beiträge: 719
Registriert: Fr 4. Feb 2005, 17:28

Beitrag von nordic man »

Bin bereit das Selbstbewußtsein von vergreisten Veteranen aufzubessern...zu Turnierbedingungen die ich jetzt auch gelesen habe... :3rc:
Ein Herz für Aliens....

Beiträge: 591
Registriert: Do 19. Aug 2004, 14:28

Beitrag von Haudegen »

Thank you for your comment, Hellraiser! După ploie viine soare !

Let me point out some reasons for this surprising victory:

- first of all I had very much luck with my tech-reasearch, indeed
- second you were very unlucky with the jet-research
- and i had a very good councillor, named Königstiger (DH), who is now assimilated to an alien (my goodness! Now he don’t know, what he is doing. He is under the control of the aliens. Be careful with him…). He gave me good hints for the time after d-day. Especially Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar was his idea.
- And i had a very friendly opponent: hellraiser told me at least two times not to give up. After killing my lovely Zukov and after the invasion of England I was ready to give up this hard game. It was too nerve-racking for me...
- although the egypth-adventure was very expensive for allies it delay the axis by 3 or 4 turns and cost a huge amount to operate all this axis-staff to Africa and back (5 AF, 1 HQ; 2-3 ital. Corps get killed; damaged ital. Fleet)
- if hellraiser get a little bit deeper in Russia, Finland would have probably joined the war. And then Russia would have had a second front…
- if at all the war would be decided for axis in Russia. In my opinion axis had to go deeper into Russia without the appropriate aircover. All the game Russia had never enough AF and they were at no time at full strengh. Because of the german AF the Russian HQ’s were too far away from their troop, so that they were not supported…
- Nevertheless, a blind man may sometimes hit the mark (Găina oarbă încă află câte un grăunţ)

Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Mi 6. Apr 2005, 13:44

Beitrag von hellraiser »

ref russia:

you probably don't know how weak was my front in russia :)
i had a contiguous front but no units to exploit the breakthroughs ... my lvl 0 tanks had poor rolls vs your good AT
my tank research never got better and i counted on some 1-2 techs in tanks - i bought some 7 tanks for russia
after engaging the superior red AFs my AFs lost a lot of xp - that translated in quite average/poor odds versus your armies

So the problem is: yes, I could have pushed the russians back maybe to rostov-kharkow-smolensk - leningrad line but with very heavy costs
I used cash to reinforce AFs to try to hunt down your HQs and AFs
The minus 2k mpps from russia joining in September instead of early november reduced the posibility to keep the momentum in russia.

My overall strategy was to force intercepts in russia and use my superior LR (despite lower jet tech) to kill off as many AFs as possile - that means russia can't go on offensive (without air is almost impossible, since I never let russians use 3 ground hexes to attack ) and I could go for the western allies once the jets caught up.

Ref. some tips I gave you - indeed, it was a pitty for you to give up just because of getting nervous - this thing I learned from Yoda-Terif : never give up untill it is 100% sure you'll lose.
You were kind enough to propose me a honourable draw - thanks for that but this was really your game and you deserved to win.

I guess this type of games when ppl talk a lot about moves and strategies are the best games: I learn from you, you learn from me. It's a win-win situation no matter who wins the game actually.


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