PBEM Madrid 36 Panzerliga Hoza (Horst) Vs Spanish Genral (Ramon)

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Registriert: Di 1. Mai 2012, 23:10

PBEM Madrid 36 Panzerliga Hoza (Horst) Vs Spanish Genral (Ramon)

Beitrag von rscasa »

Hi everybody!
Horst and I are involved in a tough fight in this scenario.

I was defeated by General Hoza Republican forces. :123:
In a unexpected movement his Republican troupes attack my Nationals in the hardest spot: Ciudad Universitaria.
He used almost all the republican forces available to take my HV and he succeeded.

I have to play my chances in the Republican side.
I'm making a report about this PBEM game in JP's OG forum.
http://www.panzercentral.com/forum/view ... 32&t=51343

Hope you enjoy,


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